Helmet Baby Shelf Sitters

Helmet Baby Shelf Sitters

Each are $20.00 USD
 Plus Shipping (per order)
 $5.00 anywhere in the US
$6.00 Canada 
all other international orders will vary

Babies can be prescribed Orthotic devices otherwise known as helmets as treatment for Positional Plagiocephaly or as post-op skull molding for craniosynostosis(for more info please visit Beyondaglimpse).
Whichever condition, each child's helmet is unique to the company that manufactures it as well as to how the parents choose to decorate it. Why not preserve the memory of your favorite decoration to keep as a conversation piece years after your child has "graduated" their helmet.

Below is an example of my first done to resemble my daughter's helmet. I will add more examples as they are ordered.

Order's can be emailed to craniobeauty@hotmail.com .
Please include a picture of child's helmet with the decoration you want featured on your shelf-sitter. Specify boy or girl, Child's name(if you want it written on helmet) skin color, eye color, and hair color.
 Don't forget all baby's bibs can feature graduation date or other important date specified.